• Welcome

    Welcome to your career in the National Health Service.  You are part of an amazing and skilled workforce over 1.3 million strong, working in more than 350 different roles that care for more than a million people every day. You are also joining a service with over 75 years of history that continues to be a world leader in health technology, advances in medicine and care that help millions to live their lives to the fullest potential.

    A welcome from Amanda Pritchard, NHS Chief Executive

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    Hello, my name is Amanda Pritchard and I'm Chief Executive of the NHS. Welcome. Thank you for joining us and becoming part of the largest health and care team in the world.

    So we're here at the Cozy Cafe in Dudley. This is a place where colleagues from all across this system come together to plan and deliver services for people with learning disabilities and with autism. 

    When I started working in the NHS as a graduate management trainee, I had no idea where my career would take me. I had no idea that I would see science and technology, medicine that's improving the lives and the life chances of millions of people every day. But I knew I wanted to make a difference. Today, like every day I've worked in the NHS, I've met people committed to the same goal, to deliver the best possible care for our community, our neighbourhoods, our patients. And it's that desire which defines NHS people. 

    The NHS is nothing without you. The staff and the teams that drive forward change. You are the reason that the NHS remains the institution that the public tells us is what makes them proudest to be British. These are tough jobs and it's a challenging time to join the NHS. I've had some of my most difficult days professionally working in the NHS, but I've also had some of my best. And our commitment to you as an employer is that we will treat you with respect. The work you do will make a real difference, and that you will have the opportunity to learn and to grow here. I can honestly say I have never regretted my decision to join the NHS over 25 years ago, and it is my hope that 20, 30, 40 years from now you will feel the same.

    (This video has captions available. Click on the CC button in the bottom of the video to display them)


    Why a new induction resource? 

    We want to attract and retain the best staff; one way to do this is by ensuring everyone has a positive experience and all the information they need when they start a role.  

    The ideas and experiences of over 2000 people from across health and social care have gone into co-creating these resources – people like you, who are starting a new role, people and patients who access our care and services, and managers and leaders at all levels.   

    Together, we have shaped the content which highlights many topics aimed at creating a sense of belonging and helping navigate the complexities of the sector.  

    How to get the most from this space 

    New staff and their managers told us that one of the biggest challenges they have is not having a single site where induction information is collated and curated.  However, when you start a new role, the volume of information can seem overwhelming. Our NHS staff came up with the idea of this learning centre where each room has a specific purpose so information can be found more easily.  Everyone comes with different experiences and will have different needs, the information here is available to all and is to be used in the way that is most helpful. Not everyone will need or use every room, but everyone will find something here that is helpful to them.  

    Virtual house with personas

    Throughout the induction you will meet the different characters you see on this page. They are all based on experience of real people.  

    Each character will share their story and you will learn more about how the work you do makes a real difference to the lives of the people that access care and support.  

    This virtual centre hosts rooms of resources and e-Learning on important topics that relate to everyone. It also provides resources for managers and leaders who are responsible for delivering staff induction and we have created journeys that introduce the content, structured over three or six months as an alternative way to help with on-boarding. 

    This is not a site to just visit once. This is a place we hope you will return time and time again.  We want this resource to grow and be a place of sharing and spreading good practice.  

    You will find places where you can add your own examples if you think other new joiners will benefit from. It is also designed to support induction activity in your employing organisation and is in addition to any preceptorship, statutory and mandatory training or the Care Certificate that you are required to do. 

    After login, visit to the reception area to get an overview of the rooms.


    To access the contents in this site you must first have an account. Once you have filled in the form it will generate an Academy ID (a 10-digit number) which can then be used to access many different services with the same ID and password. Your profile holds basic details about you so we can understand how our services are used, and it also helps us to protect our systems. Once this is done you won't have to do it again. Please visit this National Induction Profile guidance to follow the process.

    The Academy technical support site contains information on our Virtual Campuses, Profile system and how to troubleshoot some problems (for example, emails not being received).